Jaimié Birtel's photography blog

Family Jaimie Birtel Family Jaimie Birtel

Color Palettes Explained for Your Photo Session Outfits

Planning outfits for a photo session, whether it’s family photography, maternity photography, or other types of portraits, is an important part of preparing for your session. While some of my fashion-minded clients love the opportunity to go shopping and other clients feel intimidated by styling. That’s why I offer personal styling services in which I visit you for an in-home consultation and actually help you choose the outfits for your family’s session.

This isn’t a service many photographers offer, so why do I include it in my packages? Because I know that outfit planning can be stressful and because your outfits make a powerful difference in your photos in several ways.

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Family Jaimie Birtel Family Jaimie Birtel

How to Prepare Young Kids for a Family Photo Shoot

No matter how well your kids normally listen to instructions and corporate on family outings, every parent has at least some anxiety before a family photo session about how their kids will handle it. Will they listen to the photographer’s instructions and smile nicely when they need to, or will they be grumpy and have a hard time sitting still?

I can tell you from experience (both as a photographer and as a parent) that there are never any guarantees. It helps if you take some prep steps, though, so try out these tips.

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Jaimie Birtel Jaimie Birtel

Photo Session Outfits: How They Can Make or Break Your Portraits

Planning outfits for a photo session, whether it’s family photography, maternity photography, or other types of portraits, is an important part of preparing for your session. While some of my fashion-minded clients love the opportunity to go shopping and other clients feel intimidated by styling. That’s why I offer personal styling services in which I visit you for an in-home consultation and actually help you choose the outfits for your family’s session.

This isn’t a service many photographers offer, so why do I include it in my packages? Because I know that outfit planning can be stressful and because your outfits make a powerful difference in your photos in several ways.

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