Jaimié Birtel's photography blog
Hard Copies with Heart: Why Printed Photos Matter
So many things in our day-to-day lives are digital. We communicate over text and social media, we shop online, a lot of us work online…and yes, online platforms are great for sharing photos with your loved ones and for storing backups of your images. But as a photographer who creates portraits of beautiful families and special milestones in life that can’t be re-created, I firmly believe in the value of good, old-fashioned, printed portraits too. Here’s why.
How to Choose a Photo Shoot Location
As a photographer, I’m so fortunate to live on beautiful Mercer Island and have so many great photo shoot locations in the Seattle area. As you’re planning your next photo session, the location sets the scene (quite literally) for your photo shoot’s overall look, so let’s talk about a few tips and considerations to keep in mind while choosing a photo shoot location.