Jaimié Birtel's photography blog

Maternity Jaimie Birtel Maternity Jaimie Birtel

How to Make Your Maternity Photo Shoot Day Special

As a photographer who specializes in telling the story of your motherhood journey, an important part of every session is creating a wonderful experience for you. Your maternity photo shoot isn’t just about the photos (as exciting as those gorgeous portraits can be). It’s also an opportunity to take time out from reading baby books, setting up baby furniture, and planning hospital routes so simply be in the moment with your pregnancy. It’s a time to celebrate this stage in your life and a time to feel stunning and spectacular.

That’s why I believe in turning your maternity photo shoot day into a truly special day from start to finish. Here are a few ways you can make it a day to remember.

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Maternity Jenny Pitcher Maternity Jenny Pitcher

Why My Maternity Photo Sessions Include Professional Hair and Makeup

If you’ve worked with a few photographers in the past or if you have started shopping around for maternity photographers, you might have already noticed that every photographer does things a little differently. We each provide our own type of experience and artistic style for clients, and that’s part of the fun! When I designed my maternity photography experience, there was something I was particularly passionate about: including professional hair and makeup services in the package. To give you a peek into my process, here’s why I chose to include these services in my maternity portraits.

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