Why Your Career Needs a Professional Headshot

Who among us doesn’t want to have a fulfilling and lucrative career? Whether you’re in it for your passion about the work you do, for financial freedom, or for the ability to earn a living while working less, professional growth is a goal so many people have. There might be little things you can do to push yourself a step further toward that goal…things like investing in a professional headshot.

Why does your career need a professional headshot? On top of just generally making you look like a pro who has it all together, there are several practical benefits to having a great headshot.

Why Your Career Needs a Professional Headshot Blog Post Woman red flowers headshot Seattle

Building Your Professional Brand

Branding isn’t just for businesses. As a professional, you want to establish yourself as a known expert in your field, and that process is known as building a personal brand. Things like creating a professionally minded online presence and building a strong network in your field will contribute to your brand.

A headshot is one of the most fundamental building blocks for your personal brand. For starters, it gives you a more professional, respected image. Even better, though, if you choose a truly excellent headshot photographer, your headshot can represent your personal brand. Whether your personal brand is corporate and elite, creative and warm, or anything in between, a well-created headshot will set the right tone from the first glance.

Leaving Memorable First Impressions

We’ve all been to those conferences or networking events where you meet dozens of people in the span of a few hours and then can’t remember who’s who. If you have a headshot, you can make sure that people actually do remember meeting you.

With a headshot on your business card, LinkedIn profile, email signature, and so on, you can tie your face to your name. This way, when you send an email to that new contact you made at the conference, they’ll see your headshot in your signature and remember who you are. 

Being Prepared for Urgent Requests

There are a lot of reasons you might need a headshot for practical purposes, and sometimes these can appear without much warning. You might be asked for a headshot if you’re speaking at a conference, for example, or you may need one for a corporate event. If you’ve invested in a professional headshot already, you have a picture ready to go. No need to scramble at the last minute or to settle for the best of the selfies you managed to snap in your living room. You can represent yourself well at a moment’s notice.

Invest in Yourself with a Professional Headshot

A professional headshot could be the best investment you make in yourself this year, and I’m here to make sure of it. If you’re in the Seattle and Mercer Island area, Jaimié Birtel Photography is your premier choice for headshot photography. Contact my photo studio to book your appointment.

Why Your Career Needs a Professional Headshot


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