Jaimié Birtel's photography blog

Branding, Headshots Jaimie Birtel Branding, Headshots Jaimie Birtel

What is Branding Photography and What Can It Do for Your Business?

It isn’t until you start building a business that you fully realize all the details and tasks that go into making your business successful. Take marketing for example. Publicizing your business well and building your reputation to attract customers requires so many pieces and details, and one of those pieces is having the right images. That’s where I can help with professional branding photography.

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Headshots Jenny Pitcher Headshots Jenny Pitcher

The Power of Branding Headshots for Small Business Owners

When you’re an entrepreneur or small business owner, you’re investing in doing everything you can to help your business thrive, and sometimes small details can make a powerful difference. Branding headshots are among those details, so if you don’t have these on your to-do list yet, it’s time to add them. Here’s why.

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Headshots Jaimie Birtel Headshots Jaimie Birtel

Headshots for Online Dating Profiles? It’s a Better Idea Than You Think

When you think of headshots, you probably think of photos for a professional setting, like business websites, LinkedIn, business cards, and so on. And yes, that is the typical purpose. But in our modern era, more and more people are discovering that headshot photographers can also take knock-out photos for online dating profiles, and it’s true! Here’s what you need to know.

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